What We Do
(And Why)

Our attempt to create a better experience for our own five children resonated with many other parents and prompted us to try and create a superior online and personal experience.  Employing our combined experience in the teaching profession we decided to launch Avalon Mentors in order that we might help answer this longing.

Join us as we help you navigate the sea of knowledge and provide outstanding learning opportunities in whatever stage of the voyage you find yourself.

Avalon Mentors aims to inspire in the hearts of students the encounter with beauty that they might seek, not simply a lucrative career or worldly success, but a path of self-knowledge and human fulfillment.  Our vision at Avalon Mentors is to help students discover the beauty in the natural order of things, perceive the connections of goodness inherent in the created order, and experience the joy of self-knowledge and true flourishing.

Avalon Mentors online courses are designed to help families who are homeschooling, students who are struggling with a subject, or young people looking for a deeper dive into subjects that interest them.