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“So then shall this journey of thine be neither vain nor unfulfilled.”
— Athena to Telemachus, The Odyssey

In Homer’s Odyssey Athena (in the form of Mentor) counsels, guides, and encourages Telemachus.  Through her words the goddess instills an heroic mentality in the son of Odysseus, connecting his thinking with the realities of the heroic legacy of not only his father, but also all of his ancestors.

Our tutors are trusted partners who have a demonstrated gift in working with students of all ages. They are mentors, in the truest sense of the word.

A mentor is not a mere trainer in technical ability, nor merely an assembly line worker forcing a young person through tests, quizzes, essays, and other hurdles. Nor is a mentor's first job ensuring entrance into a university. 

A mentor is first and foremost concerned with passing on a cultural heritage in order that their students are no longer cut off from their roots.  

Avalon Mentors holds up the vision of greatness to their students, encouraging them towards greatness, and instilling in them an heroic mentality so that their journey might be neither vain or unfulfilled.

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Avalon Mentors Tutoring.